December 5, 2009

twelve days of christmas?


Although I know at least one or two people who will be excited enough at the prospect of a new post every day for the next twelve days to make it seem like Christmas.

I've finally gotten around to copying and pasting my Sabbatical Journal into different blog posts, and they are scheduled to post daily at 9am, starting tomorrow. It seems kind of odd to have posts scheduled in the future that were written in the past, but it is what it is.

I've actually considered turning off comments for these 12 posts, as I don't want to seem like I'm fishing for accolades, sympathy or anything in between. Since I enjoy being able to connect with people by commenting on their blogs, I thought how it would make me feel to not be able to and decided to leave the decision on whether or not to comment up to you.

*edit* I wrote almost all of this in a journal style, as it was important to me to write only for myself. I've decided to share it only as a means of trying to kickstart my lazy ass into posting more regularly about this crazy journey into crazyland. (I forgot to write this the first time I posted it so I had to come back and add it in!) *end edit*

Unfortunately, I've been too busy, tired, etc. to write this week, so the last post on 12/17 may end up being the last post for a while again if I'm not able to get my butt in gear. I've had several rough days over the course of the last week or two, and though I know it could help, writing remains outside of my reach.

I'm hoping to get the tree up this afternoon and to at least start decorating it today. As you'll see over the next couple of weeks, this is not the first time that I've woken up with that goal. Those who know me well know that I usually have my house decorated no later than Thanksgiving, but I'm just not "feeling it" yet this year. Cody and I decided to push through it this weekend though, in the hopes of possibly snapping me out of this melancholy funk I've been in as of late. He's been very sweet to not push me as of yet, which is another "theme" you'll likely pick up on in my journal. I'm so lucky to have him by my side, as I know that there are few people capable of the patience and understanding that he has shown.

I love you, Mr. Man!


Etepay said...

I'm so happy to have posts to look forward to! But just knowing you're pushing through this and working through this time makes me happier than any post. :)

I look forward to following your journey because you're an amazing person and I enjoy getting to be a part of your life.

ellenjane said...

I'm excited about multiple posts!
It's actually very nice to be able to post date them, I do it a lot.

WV: snesabi- a questionable sushi dish, I won't go into TMI, but trust me when I say, do NOT eat this.