June 28, 2009

for pete's sake

I was pleasantly surprised to see these had bloomed this morning!

I'm so happy with the flowers I chose for my baskets this year.

This monster was less than two feet tall the first year I had it. It now shoots up over 4 feet in about two weeks!

The Japanese maple seems to finally be on the upswing! It was hairy for a while there! I love how striking the green of the sweet potato vine is against that deep red background.

This is the bed I dug up and re-planted earlier this year. It'll be kinda sorry looking this year, but hopefully it will fill out next spring.

I'm still not happy with the pond this year, but what can you do?


Katy said...

I love lily's! I didn't used to, but in the last couple of years, I've just fallen in love with them! Yours are BEAUTIFUL!! So is the rest of your garden! Good job!

Robert Stockham said...

Your yard is beautiful. It is just as I had originally envisioned my own yard when I got rid of the lawn 5 years ago. It has never been nice though, as I soon discovered that i HATE gardening, though I love gardens. So when you are bored, come on by and fix my hot tranny mess of a yard!

Etepay said...

I don't know where you get the energy or the insight as to what to do with your yard, you amaze me.

I can't keep weeds alive, my yard is awful! I wish I had just an once of your talent and energy for that!

Thanks for the pics! Maybe someday I'll actually get to visit these gardens of yours!

Do you have a roof top tour as well? lol.

Barb said...

What a great backyard. I am jelous!

Anonymous said...

Katy - I hated lilies too. Turns out I just hated the kind mom and dad had at our old house. Every time I see a color I don't have, Cody has to talk me down from the ledge.

Robert - Thanks! Truth be told, I would only leave enough grass for the dogs to "go" on if left to my own devices. And I'd be happy to help sometime.

Pete - It was ingrained from helping mom and dad so many years. I don't think my eye for plants is much different than your eye for architecture, really. You can visit whenever you want, and I'll help you get the ladder out of the garage, but you're going up on your own!

Barb - Thanks! It is my goal to inspire a certain level of jealous rage in all of my friends! Not really, but it sounds like fun, no?

Tim said...

Jake, I'm as jealous as all get-out. I can't get moss to grow, let alone anything this beautiful. I'm always in awe of people who make beauty spring out of the earth--this is lovely!