December 27, 2010

don't get all excited or anything

Those of you that know me are aware that I'm not a huge fan of New Year's Resolutions. I think making a conscious effort to improve yourself and the world around you is a good thing no matter what day it is, yet the once-a-year, make-myself-a-new-and-improved-(wo)man crap bothers me. I don't know if it's just the added strain we put on ourselves to follow through with our intentions or what, but New Year's goals tend to feel a bit heavier and more oppressive. Which of course stresses you out more and then you end up throwing a bit more guilt into the mix. It's just an all-around ugly experience in my opinion.

So, all that being said (written?), I really am going to try and be more intentional about blogging again. It's something I have enjoyed in the past, and has proven helpful in many situations. Not to mention it's a great way to communicate with far-flung friends and family members.

I have particular reasons for feeling like I need to write more now, which I'll cover eventually. For now, suffice it to say I've got the time and the desire. I just have to be more intentional about not writing a novella one day and then nothing for a week. I've got to shorten these posts a bit and schedule them to post later so that I don't "have" to write everyday if I get busy or just don't want to.

I'm not sure how far I'll get today. The little Christmas tree Cody and I bought to put up on the mantle out of reach of the dogs decided to take a tumble last night. Ironically enough, the reason we did that was to save our ornaments from destruction by these crazy dogs and their impromptu wrestling matches. Luckily we only lost two ornaments, despite a fall from about 4 feet.

So even though I had intended to leave the tree up through the weekend since we put it up late this year, I'm now going to be taking the tree down today. Most of the ornaments came off in the crash, so rather than take the time to re-hang them, I'm just going to put them away. I never got around to putting all the boxes back in the attic last week anyway, so getting those out of the way will be nice too.

I'm not promising anything, but hopefully I'll knock out at least a few posts this week and get them all scheduled to run this week...

Oh, and Merry Christmas!


ellenjane said...

Honestly I usually go on a writing jag every few days or once a week and post date them. I've been doing that since July when I decided come hell or high water (where does that phrase come from it's so weird) I was going to post every week day (and occasionally weekends)
The more I write the more I have to write so it's been interesting.

Also, in lieu of the resolution might I suggest doing One Word with me? I'm writing about it on 1/3 (or 1/4 I can't remember) and got the idea from Alece here:

love you!
WV: lykelece - LIKE ALECE! AHHH!

Etepay said...

I nearly wet myself with excitement...wait, scratch that. I did wet myself with excitement....or it could be the water bottle, I'm uncertain at this point....wait, what was I saying? Oh yes....

Hopefully you and B writing so much will inspire me to get back on the blogging horse. I have multiples half written just waiting to be finished.

How random is this comment anyway?

So anyway, hope to get to read more!! :)