December 13, 2008

blowing my mind

Okay folks.  I'm "trying" to get caught up on all my "favorite" blogs and message boards this morning.  I keep finding things that need further exploration though, and that is slowing me down a lot.

  When I was scrolling through Joe.My.God. I came across this entry and stopped breathing for a few seconds:  Ray Boltz - Don't Tell Me Who To Love.

  Wait a minute.  What?!  Ray Boltz?  THE Ray Boltz is... Gay?!?!?!

  For those who don't know, Mr. Boltz is one of the biggest names in the Christian music biz.  He wrote and/or recorded some pretty well-known songs such as The Anchor Holds, Rise Again, He's Alive, etc.  His most popular song would probably be Thank You.  The latter being the one you are most familiar with, about being thanked in heaven for doing your small part to lead someone to the Lord.

  At any rate, this one stopped me in my tracks.  How did I miss this?  So I had to click a few more link to see what was what.  Turns out there is quite a lengthy article in which Mr. Boltz is interviewed, found here.

  If you're interested, his first single since coming out is available to listen to and/or download (free!). It's quite a beautiful song, in my opinion. 

  Personally, I'll be reading up a bit more on this later.  I'm still trying to play catch up, and since finding this gem, I'll have to give up entirely on a few.  I think I still have time for Cake Wrecks, but I'm two weeks behind on Stuff Christians Like and 97 Seconds With God, so I'll have to leave those on the backburner in favor of accomplishing all the offline chores I'm behind on.  I'm still processing Bethany and Pete's latest entries as well, so I need to make time to comment on those.  Sharen and Katy have begun posting a bit more, too.  Sharen's now giving us tips on saving money, so I predict that will be like crack for Cody pretty soon.

  Wow.  That's a lot of free advertising!



Etepay said...

That's a lot of reading to do, it's going to take me a bit to get through that.

My favorite role played by Wanda is the role she played in Clerks 2. I almost laughed myself out of my chair.

She rocks, gay, straight, whatever, she's flipping hilarious!

Katy said...

I love Ray Boltz! My favorite of his is Watch the Lamb. As faith as I've lost recently, that song still gives me chills.