July 2, 2009

something to chew on while i'm gone

Hey gang,

Cody and I are headed out this afternoon to go camping for the weekend. I stumbled upon this in my reader and thought I'd share it with y'all before I shut down the computer. Enjoy!

Dear DNC

I truly "support" Democrats being elected in 2010 and 2012. I am a "fierce advocate" of the Democratic Party after all. I know that I have promised you my support over the past few decades and have done my best to follow through.

Even now I am "working towards" a financial donation to the Party. I do have to ask for your "patience" though, because as a gay man, my family and I are still second class citizens and are having to funnel our resources towards causes that protect and honor our basic civil rights. "We have a lot on our plate."

We are "proceeding" towards lifting the denial of funds to the DNC and are "developing a strategy" that will get us there by the end of Obama's time at the White House. As a matter of fact, my family has planned several "meetings" to discuss these very important donations and will be sending out a press release shortly to announce our "cocktail party" celebrating Democracy.

Thanks for understanding. And hang in there!



Original source
Where I read it
Where he read it
(Gotta give credit where it's due, ya know)

Hope you all have a great weekend!!!